
Linux Boot Failure

OK, here's the error I get booting Gusty Tribe 3 on my theater PC:

Here's the one for Feisty:

Any ideas?

Also, two things at work have really pissed me off. First, a helpdesker gave me the classical "You're not LYNX (the "managed" PC of my institution) and your running an unsupported browser (IE7)." The funny bit is, I got it working less than 5 mins after I hung up.

The other concerns my new hire. I wrote out this "pre-interview" email so I wouldn't have to interview all 20 people. HR tells me the email is too "lengthy and intimidating" and will "reduce the number of my applicant pool" and that I should engage with phone interviews with all of them instead. I remind them of the fact that I don't have the time and that I AM trying to reduce my applicant pool. Now, my supervisior wants to talk to me...yay!

1 comment:

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