
PostgreSQL and Gallery Working

Petr Janda was nice enough to send me clarification on how to get PostgreSQL startup scripts installed on DragonFly. Now that and Gallery are working on my server. Hopefully Ang will get some pictures uploaded soon (considering she was the motivation to get this working).

I'm fixing a friend's mom's PC. Her modem died. The machine is running 98 (SE at least). By chance, I went to windowsupdate. You get a wonderful feeling when you have to install the ActiveX control. Let's see 8 years and never updated. No wonder we have so many spambots around.

It's late. This is going to come up as Sunday's even though it's really the one for Saturday. Aren't Saturday nights that you spend at home fun? At least I wasn't alone.

Oooh nice. Tried the Spell checker. Got this error:

name: TypeError
message: Statement on line 205: Could not convert undefined or null to object
Line 205 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/app/scripts/dom.common.js
return iframe.document;
Line 1 of eval script
getIFrameDocument(iframe).onkeydown = func;
Line 114 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/app/scripts/spellcheck.js
setIFrameEvent(iframe, "keydown", keyhandler);
Line 256 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/app/scripts/spellcheck.js
Line 1 of eval script
BLOG_selectErrors([["Janda", 5, "Jandy", "Jenda", "Kaunda", "Canad", "Canada"], ["PostgreSQL", 66], ["startup", 77, "start up", "start", "stirrup", "statue"], ["DragonFly", 106, "Dragonfly", "Dragon Fly", "Dragonfly's", "Dragonflies"], ["Ang", 176, "Ange", "Angy", "Nag", "Ag", "An"], ["windowsupdate", 395, "windows update", "undissipated", "undisputed", "anticipated"], ["ActiveX", 468, "Actives", "Activates", "Octaves", "Arctics", "Activeness"], ["spambots", 550, "spam bots", "steamboats", "steamboat's", "speedboats"]]);
Line 169 of linked script http://beta.blogger.com/app/scripts/message.js
Goo_HandleResponse(transaction, msg_id, transactionStart, opt_handler);
At unknown location
[statement source code not available]


BLOG_selectErrors([["Janda",5,"Jandy","Jenda","Kaunda","Canad","Canada"],["PostgreSQL",66],["startup",77,"start up","start","stirrup","statue"],["DragonFly",106,"Dragonfly","Dragon Fly","Dragonfly\'s","Dragonflies"],["Ang",176,"Ange","Angy","Nag","Ag","An"],["windowsupdate",395,"windows update","undissipated","undisputed","anticipated"],["ActiveX",468,"Actives","Activates","Octaves","Arctics","Activeness"],["spambots",550,"spam bots","steamboats","steamboat\'s","speedboats"]]);

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